Thornton Hall Wedding Film - Hannah and Julie's summer wedding

Thornton Hall Wedding Videography

Summer wedding film at Thornton Hall, Wirral

Hannah and Julie’s wedding was a #DreamTeam collaboration with myself (Emily, hiya!) and Martin, my wonderful partner in crime. We shot both photography and videography, and you can check out the photography blog here. The images in this blog post will be screen-grabs from the video, just so I can chat about some of my very favourite moments!

The morning!

With the spa at our disposal, and a spy-mission-style shuffling about so our lovely brides didn’t accidentally meet and see each other, we had nothing but giggles and joy!

The ceremony was outside, and the weather was GLORIOUS! — Dear Reader, it felt like a destination wedding, I kid you not — everything was perfect. We even managed to keep Hannah and Julie from seeing one another as well. A well-oiled machine to be sure.

Confetti for days! Thornton Hall outdoor summer wedding

Hannah and Julie walked down the aisle at the same time from separate entrances so they saw each other for the first time at the bottom of the aisle. What a great idea. Got me a bit teary, if I’m honest!

Then, with their vows sealed, tears and smiles all round, Hannah and Julie walked out to a STORM of confetti! It was amazing! They walked down, singing along to their favourite song.

Here is Hannah and Julie’s lovely wedding film for you to feast your eyes on. Congratulations to Hannah and Julie and thank you so much for letting us be a part of your wedding day!

If you are looking for a wedding photographer, and/or videographer, then I’d love to speak to you!